DCHS Announcements
The guys on the track team brought home 1st place at county championships for the 5th straight year.
Girls placed 2nd and made improvements in each event!
Interested in trying out for soccer?! The ladies will tryout on April 7th and the boys will be held on April 10th. Both will be from 4-6pm.
Do you love to draw or paint? Do you want to improve your art skills? Do you want to take art for a whole semester? Try out for Gifted Art! Applications are available NOW outside Ms. Rutherford’s door! Applications are due back by Friday, April 4th.
Seniors Jerseys for the class of 2026 will go on sale Wednesday, March 19, through Friday, April 11. The price is $25. Order forms are available in the box outside B30. Completed order forms and payments will be taken by Ms. Martins during class change and during 3rd lunch in B30. Cash, check and OSP will be taken. Reminder: No jersey will be ordered without turning in a completed order form or missing payment.
Are you interested in becoming a member of the DCHS step team? Tryouts will be April 22 from 4-5:30 in the gym. . If you are interested in trying out, you may pick up a form in the 9th grade or main office. Anyone that is wanting to try out must have a form signed by a parent or guardian and must have a teacher recommendation form that is attached to the form. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Evans in H104. Please do not interrupt her class! You may come during class changes or before or after school if you have questions.
Seniors, please remember to complete your micro credentials in Major Clarity. You cannot pick up your cap and gown in May until this is complete. Please see your counselor if you have questions.